My brother in law married one of the prettiest girls i know, and to make it better she has become one of my best friends. she has so many amazing qualities about her... she surfs, she's has amazing style, she's crafty, she makes all her own stuff, she's athletic, she can probably beat up a boy, she's the best baby-sitter on the island, and she is so so pretty. i love my mona jane and i'm so happy she married max.
family stroll
this is one of my favorite walks to go on with sylver and seek. half of it is covered by tree's and the other is surrounded by a beautiful golf course. at the very end is the beach. love love love
NAKED hawaiian babies
like i said in an earlier post, i have 5 sister in laws and they are all incredible. Max's wife mona is new to the family, so they don't have any babies, but ME, ROSE, JENNI, MOMI, and ANDREA all got pregnant within just a couple weeks and months of one another. Jenni's baby is the oldest (ocean) and because they don't live in hawaii little Ocean wasn't able to be in the photo shoot. we wish he could of been there, he would have been the leader of the pack. the babies that are in the pictures are, Sylver(mine), Nova(roses), Chai (momi's), and Ira (andreas). They are all so dang cute and all have such different personalities. Sylver, Chai, and Ira will all grow up together here in hawaii and will probably all be in the same class's while going to school. that could be chaos waiting to happen. their poor teacher. LOVE ALL THESE LITTLE NUGGETS
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chai, nova, ira, sylver |
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chai and ira were the only ones corroperating |
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sweet ocean and the beautiful Jenni. We miss you guys so much! |
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momi, me, rose, andrea |
They'll be back
The Hannemann family started out with seven boys. spencer, sterling, seth, shem, seek, max and shez. they then married rose, jenni, momi, andrea, me, and mona. Shez is still on a mission so we are yet to find out who he will marry. one of the fun things about having such a big family and all living in hawaii is we hangout with each other all day and we all get along. we all have different personalities, yet we all seem to be best friends. our kids all love each other and can't seem to get enough of one another. one of the sad things about all starting out in hawaii together is we are slowly drifting apart. it started with sterling and jenni. sterling finished school here in hawaii and then they went back to arizona where jenni is from. they have a beautiful home and the cutest 4 kids. we all miss them tons. then shezy left on his mission but we all know he will be back soon. and now spencer and rose moved away to CANADA. this was a sad day because they have always talked about moving away to canada but have never done it. then all of a sudden they actually followed through with it and made the move. they left two days ago and i still don't think it has really hit anyone. ever sense they left everyone has been placing bets how long we think they will last in canada. some say 6 months others say 2 years. i say i just know they will be back. i think they will go have there fun in canada and get a different scene for a while, and then they will return. they better! I'm just glad i got some pictures of them before they left. its easy to get good pictures when EVERYONE in the family is flawless! love and miss you guys xoxo
Sylver Monatua le atua Hannemann
9 months |
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6 pounds 12 ounces :: 19 1/2 inches :: S.M.H. |
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currently 7 months |
My sweet sylver was born on December 28th 2012 at 9:30am. he was 6 pounds 12 ounces at 19 1/2 inches. i had sylver two weeks early because i had no more fluid in my stomach. we are still not sure what exactly happened, but basically my water broke without me knowing. so on December 27th i went in for a checkup with my doctor and unfortunately i told seek not to come because i told him it was just going to be a quick appointment. what many dont realize is the hospital is one hour away from the north shore and that is with no traffic. so i went to my appointment and my doctor looked at the ultrasound and said, "okay looks like were going to have this baby today. you better call your husband and tell him to get down here." of course i didnt beleive him until about 5 nurses came in saying congratulations and how excited they were to see our baby boy. it then hit me that i wasnt having my baby in two weeks but in about 2 hours. i cant say if i was more excited or nervous, but it was definitely an excitement I've never felt. seek finally got to the hospital and was completely shocked we were about to have our first baby. it was almost the same face when i told him i was pregnant. after seek and i hangout for about an hour they gave me pitocin and i immediately started to feel the contractions coming on strong. all momma's will know what I'm talking about but its a feeling i can't even describe. it came on so strong and fast i think my brain went numb to how awful the pain was. seek and his mom were massaging my feet and i literally remember feeling like i was the only person in the room. my body was in so much pain i couldn't focus on anything. i soon got dilated to a 3 within about 2 hours and couldn't take the pain anymore. they then gave me the epidural. i didn't feel the needle at all which was my biggest fear of the whole labor process. right after i got the epidural i past out and fell asleep for a couple hours. when i woke up the nurse came in to checked me and told me it was time to push. i pushed for 40 minutes and sylver was born. it was the most incredible experience of my life. seek did such a good job being by my side and calming me down the whole time. my mom is a doula and was going to help me throughout my whole labor. unfortunately she was 1 hour late and missed everything. if only sylver would have come on time she would have been there to do all her cool tricks on me to keep me nice and calm. but it all ended up working out and i had a great birthing experience. sylver is so squishy and yummy today and is growing rapidly. i can't get enough of him. i highly recommend being a mommy.
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